The founder #Miyamoto and (NGN) team on behalf of the #Network have made the decision with all the spotlight on the 0% tax-free

05 May 2023, 22:01
The founder #Miyamoto and (NGN) team on behalf of the #Network have made the decision with all the spotlight on the 0% tax-free token projects to change our buy tax to 0% indefinitely. We will still have a sell tax for the time being as the goal is to eliminate the sell tax overtime when the project is in the correct position. We will always have the project and community in mind when making all decisions regarding the project and the path we choose that will ultimately lead us to "SUCCESS" and nothing less is or has been ever acceptable. So #Network please prepare yourself for the next few months as we will be unloading a lot of new things to help us with growth and development. #crypto #MemeCoinSeason #DeFi #BTC #ETH #blockchain #CryptoNews #AI